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PHPBuilder: Fundamentals of Web Application Development
Mar 7, 2001, 17 :28 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (984 reads) (Other stories by Angus Madden)

"One thing I think many developers new to programming lack is a summary of the fundamentals. The experienced developers take certain concepts for granted - having a thorough understanding of how their systems work, they understand implicitly how certain code affects performance and other basic do's and don'ts. The new developer, on the other hand, may not have the benefit of a formal programming education, and many programming tutorials assume a basic level of knowledge."

"I've written this article to emphasize the basics for the new programmer. It applies to web development in any language, but since I do my development work in PHP (usually building the php(Reactor)), I'd like to share it with the PHP community."

Complete Story

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