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O'Reilly: An Introduction to PHP
Feb 27, 2001, 18 :47 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1580 reads) (Other stories by John Coggeshall)

"PHP represents a robust open-source development language that provides the tools and flexibility to accomplish virtually any task. PHP is an embedded language which means developers can jump between raw HTML code and PHP without sacrificing readability. Beyond its basic syntax, PHP also boasts a wide range of interfaces allowing it to communicate with everything from other web pages, to databases including ODBC, and other programming languages such as Java or COM."

"... To use PHP (or any other server-side web scripting language), it must be installed on your web server. PHP's parser comes in two flavors -- a CGI executable and a module for the Apache web server. If you do not own your own web server, a list of PHP-enabled web hosts is available from If you are a web-hosting provider, or have access to your own web server, download PHP from the official PHP site along with complete installation documentation."

Complete Story

Related Stories:
WebDevelopersJournal: Why PHP?(Dec 11, 2000)
Community: PHP Congress Cologne(Oct 10, 2000)
ZDNet: Are You Being Served? An Introduction to PHP(Jun 01, 2000)
IDM: Tutorial: Introduction to PHP(May 28, 2000)

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