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Corporate Info Using Embperl
Mar 22, 2001, 05 :07 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (427 reads) (Other stories by Neil Gunton)

"Embperl is a tool that allows you to embed Perl code in your HTML documents. As such, it could handle just about everything you need to do with your Web site. So what is the point of EmbperlObject? What does it give us that we don't already get with basic Embperl?"

"As often seems to be the case with Perl, the answer has to do with laziness. We would all like the task of building Web sites to be as simple as possible. Anyone who has had to build a non-trivial site using pure HTML will have quickly experienced the irritation of having to copy-and-paste common code between documents - stuff like navigation bars and table formats. We have probably all wished for an ``include'' HTML tag. EmbperlObject goes a long way toward solving this problem, without requiring the developer to resort to a lot of customized Perl code."

Complete Story

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Take23: Introduction to EmbperlObject(Feb 08, 2001)
The Perl You Need to Know: Personalization Methods Part 2(Oct 27, 2000)
ANNOUNCE: HTML::Embperl 1.3b5 (pre 1.3)(Aug 20, 2000)
Web Automation: PHP vs. Perl vs. PHP(Jul 07, 2000)

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