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Covalent to Deliver Optimized Apache Solutions on ProLiantTM servers
Aug 30, 2001, 18 :35 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1560 reads)

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Covalent Technologies announced it has entered into an agreement with Compaq Computer Corporation (NYSE: CPQ) to jointly market and promote Covalent's enterprise open source Apache solutions with market leading Compaq ProLiantTM servers. Under the agreement, Compaq and Covalent will develop solution sets for Compaq's industry-standard ProLiant server line to offer enterprise customers and service providers a commercial grade Linux solution.

With this agreement, Covalent also emerges as Compaq's chosen provider of Apache related solutions for its modular solution architecture, the Distributed Internet Server Array (DISA) architecture. The Compaq DISA architecture integrates best-of-breed software products, such as Covalent's enterprise open source Apache software, in a multi-tier design featuring Compaq ProLiant servers for a highly-scalable, fault-tolerant Internet infrastructure solution on Linux.

Covalent, the leader in enterprise solutions for Apache, offers Compaq customers unsurpassed Apache expertise and a comprehensive management, installation and security solution for Apache.

"The agreement to work with Covalent, one of the premier commercial Apache software companies, is yet another example of Compaq leadership in bringing optimized, proven solutions to our Service Provider and enterprise customers," said Mark Linesch, vice president, Service Provider Solutions, Compaq Industry Standard Server Group. "The combination of industry standard Compaq ProLiant servers, Compaq Linux systems expertise and Covalent enterprise Apache software delivers customers a complete, robust and fast-to-deploy Linux solution for critical web-enabled applications."

"The backing of a company like Compaq further exemplifies the growing importance of Apache in the enterprise and adds proof that Covalent is the leading software vendor for the Apache platform," said John M. Jack, chief executive officer of Covalent. "The world has embraced Apache with over 18 million sites running Apache. Compaq and Covalent will help bring this Web server platform to our customers, offering them a secure, flexible solution for their content delivery needs."

Programs and deliverables resulting from this relationship will be available on Compaq ActiveAnswersTM for Covalent Web Servers Powered by Apache ( This solutions website offers:

  • A configuration and architecture guide detailing which Compaq server platforms to purchase when implementing or deploying Covalent solutions
  • A technical guide helping customers deploy Covalent solutions on Compaq ProLiant industry-standard servers
  • A migration guide outlining best practices for moving from a legacy Web environment to Covalent Web Server on Compaq ProLiant platforms

For more information, visit

The two companies will also work together to promote the open source Apache Web server, currently the most widely used Web server in the world, with joint sales and marketing activities.

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