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Zend works with Intel to provide PHP scripting language for Intel Itanium.
Jan 17, 2001, 17 :15 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (1021 reads)

Zend Technologies, a leader in PHP technology, announced that it will provide its expertise in PHP for use with the Intel Itanium architecture. As part of this working relationship, Zend will provide developers with a custom PHP solution for optimum performance on Intel's forthcoming Itanium processor.

"From its inception, Zend has devoted substantial resources to improving and promoting PHP and sharing its know-how with the open-source PHP community. Intel has recognized PHP as a key development technology and has approached us to provide a PHP custom solution for the Itanium architecture," said Zend Technologies CEO and President Doron Gerstel. "This is a reflection of PHP's stability, popularity and viability as an enterprise-level Web scripting language. We will further promote PHP via commercial offerings being announced next week."

PHP is used to create dynamic Web applications, which interact with the user so that each user visiting the page sees customized information. This is critical for the success of large, complex e-Commerce sites, and has caused PHP's popularity to skyrocket since its creation in 1994. PHP's intuitive interface and elegant design makes it significantly easier to rapidly develop, maintain and update scripts than in other more complex languages.

By optimizing PHP support for the Itanium architecture, Zend and Intel are significantly extending the role of PHP as an enterprise-level Web scripting language and are providing developers with the ability to quickly and easily create dynamic, complex Web applications that address the increasing demands of today's e-Businesses.

"Intel is committed to helping Itanium-based application developers by helping provide enterprise-level technologies that enable developers to quickly and easily create dynamic applications needed for e-Business," said Peter Wolochow, Director of Platform and Technology Enabling Group at Intel. "We look forward to the working relationship with Zend and have invited them to become a part of the Intel Developer Solutions Catalog for 2001." Intel's Developer Solutions Catalog, the second in a series, is distributed worldwide to developers looking for tools and applications in one convenient catalog.

The Itanium processor is the first in the Itanium architecture family from Intel and complements the company's existing processor families with new features for high-end scalability, reliability, and availability. The Itanium processor extends Intel's reach into the highest levels of computing to enable powerful servers and high-performance workstations to address the increasing demands that the Internet economy places on e-Businesses.

Related Stories:
BugTraq: PHP Security Advisory - Apache Module bugs (Jan 15, 2001)
PHP Reaches New Milestone(Jan 10, 2001)
PHPBuilder: PHP & Java(Dec 22, 2000)
WebTechniques: Optimize PHP 4(Dec 15, 2000)
PHP 4.0.3, Patch Level 1 Released(Oct 20, 2000)
ZDNet: Opening a Few Windows with PHP(Sep 18, 2000)
PR: Zend Technologies Extends U.S. Presence; Open-Source Advocate Jim Jagielski Joins PHP Firm(Aug 15, 2000)
PHP 4.0 -- Dynamic Content for the World Wide Web Warrior(May 25, 2000)

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