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O'Reilly Apache DevCenter: LAMP Lighter: The Apache Toolbox
Nov 18, 2000, 19 :30 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (936 reads) (Other stories by Rael Dornfest)

"The Apache Toolbox exemplifies the growing concept of LAMP: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and {Perl,Python,PHP}."

"If you're involved in any sort of web development, while the acronym LAMP might not be familiar to you, the popular combo of the Linux operating system, Apache Web Server, MySQL database, and P HPherlthon (that's PHP, Perl, and/or Python) scripting languages should definitely ring a bell or three. This dynamic quadro powers an amazing number of your favourite web sites and you're almost sure to have at least three in your current open source development arsenal."

"While Linux is the predominant operating system, one should not dismiss *BSD as a powerful player in this field. And while PHP is the scripting cornerstone of LAMP, Perl and Python are the rather obvious swap-ins."

Complete Story

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European Unix Platform (EUP): Running PHP3 and 4 as simultaneous modules within Apache(Oct 14, 2000)
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DevShed: How To Build the Apache of Your Dreams(Sep 22, 2000)
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O'Reilly Network: Python as a First Language(Jun 04, 2000)
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