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O'Reilly Network: Python as a First Language
Jun 4, 2000, 00 :09 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (341 reads)

"You've never programmed in Python before. Should you start now?"

"Yes. This is as sure a bet as you're going to get in the technology horse races: The benefits of the Python programming language are so many, and its costs so low, that you're almost sure to come out ahead."

"Python's strength is its universality. Once you learn it, you'll find you can use it for nearly all the programming you do. Press coverage might have led you to think that it's 'just a scripting language for the Web,' or only used by academics. As good as Python is in those roles, you'll see below how it also does much more. Among other things, Python is: a starter language, scalable to large professional programs, graphically savvy, and it even does windows!"

Compolete Story.

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