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Daemon News: Multiple webservers behind one IP address
Feb 6, 2002, 19 :40 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (8410 reads) (Other stories by Jan Sipke van der Veen)

"This article discusses a network setup where multiple webservers reside behind one IP address. Such a situation may arise when you need a specific webserver for one task and a different webserver for another task, running different operating systems or webserver software. With only one IP address available from the Internet, you could simply use Network Address Translation (NAT) with port forwarding. However, this forces you to give each webserver an ugly URL with a non-standard port number. Luckily, there is a better way. In the setup described in this article, each webserver can be reached via its own fully qualified domainname on the standard HTTP port (80)."

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 Talkback(s) Name  Date
how do i read the full article? ...   where's the rest of the article? -nt-   
  Feb 7, 2002, 21:22:45
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