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UnixReview: HTTP Benchmarking, Part 3: Tips and Tweaks
Sep 5, 2001, 03 :40 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (3457 reads) (Other stories by Joe Brockmeier)

"One advantage that operating systems like Solaris have over Linux or FreeBSD is the availability of tuning documentation. Sun has spent a lot of money providing its customers with documentation on ways to tweak Solaris. There are also ways to tweak Linux and improve performance, but they aren't as well documented."

"... One of the ways to boost hard disk performance -- besides buying faster drives -- is to tweak the hard drive parameters. The hdparm command can help you do this. You can use hdparm with IDE and SCSI drives (and the ancient MFM/RLL interface disks -- but if you're still using one of those, you can forget about a performance machine!), but it's most useful with IDE drives. If you're using IDE drives, hdparm can dramatically improve performance."

Complete Story

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 Talkback(s) Name  Date
  FreeBSD does have a tuning page.
don't make me wrong, I am a FreeBSD user, so whatever you said, I don't believe,
FreeBSD does have a tuning page,
#man tuning
it is for you. it appears in 4.3-stable.
generally, you needn't tune Hard Disk parameters so hard, FreeBSD will automatically tune IDE disk DMA on. the only tuning you can make for IDE disk
is write-cache which should be tuned before kernel booting, its in /boot/loader.conf.
for file system performance, tune softupdate on.
Linux is crap, it default does not tune DMA on, this is hdparm dream.
  Sep 5, 2001, 04:56:36
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