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osOpinion: Xbox: Perfect for Server Farms?
Apr 12, 2001, 20 :53 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (576 reads) (Other stories by Adam Barr)

"Microsoft Corp. wants the Xbox to remain a closed platform that only runs its slimmed-down version of Windows 2000, but since Linux was ported to the Sega Dreamcast, which has only 16 megabytes of memory and uses a Hitachi RISC chip, it seems inevitable that someone will try the Xbox Linux port."

"However, that approach would miss the point. The killer port for the Xbox is not Linux. It's Apache...."

"So imagine Apache ported to be an Xbox 'game.' The port shouldn't be that difficult, since Microsoft is shipping Xbox Development Kits and developers can use the same development tools they use for Windows applications. Unlike porting Linux, you wouldn't need to re-implement the entire operating system, just write an application that runs on top of it, like any other game developer."

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