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Transoft launches web application adapter
Apr 10, 2001, 21 :13 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (545 reads)

Transoft, a leading international provider of application integration products and services, today launched the Transoft Web Application Adapter, an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) framework that speeds the development of Web applications and allows easy integration with existing business logic and data.

Written in Java and deployed as a Java servlet, the Transoft Web Application Adapter accepts multiple XML data feeds over the HTTP protocol. Through its seamless connection to other members of the Transoft Intelligent Adapters product suite, it can also deliver legacy business logic and data as component-based XML services, from virtually any application written in any language.

"The Transoft Web Application Adapter provides high performance and scalability to companies that want to offer B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and B2B (Business-to-Business) applications based on their legacy applications and data," said Paul Holland, Transoft's chief executive officer. "Our product offers rapid development and deployment to Web browsers in HTML (HyperText Markup Language), XML (B2B) and WML (Wireless Markup Language) formats."

Dreamweaver Extension Automates the Process

The Transoft Web Application Adapter Integrated Development Environment (IDE) includes, free of charge, an extension for Dreamweaver, the popular Macromedia Web application development tool. Dreamweaver uses the extension to automatically include XML data feeds in its Web pages and publish those pages as XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) style sheets. The Transoft Web Application Adapter then uses those style sheets to process the XML data into HTML that is compatible with the latest standards and with older browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.

"The Adapter and Dreamweaver extension combination transforms the whole process of Web development and XML integration into a highly automated and very efficient activity," said Holland.

B2B, WAP and Palm

In addition, the Transoft Web Application Adapter can transform single or multiple XML feeds into standards-based XML for B2B applications and into WML for WAP devices. It can also produce specific forms of HTML that will run on browsers limited by size (PalmOS and EPOC, for instance).

Application Portability

This new solution from Transoft runs on a wide variety of Web servers and platforms, including Apache, Sun/Netscape iPlanet and Microsoft IIS on AS/400, UNIX and NT. This adds portability to new applications, which is of particular value to Independent Software Vendors who want to appeal to a variety of markets and to major corporations with mixed environments.

User Satisfaction

"The interoperability with our legacy systems makes the Transoft Web Application Adapter a 'no-brainer' choice," said Jeff Singleton, vice president of MIS at KAZ, Inc., a manufacturer of home healthcare products sold worldwide. "Transoft has the right product set at the right time because it solves so many problems."

Chris Hewetson, managing director at Computer Systems for Distribution, is equally enthusiastic: "The Transoft Web Application Adapter provides the missing link that enables our Web designers to easily integrate new e-business applications with our organization's existing logic and data."

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