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PHPBuilder: SQL Theory & How-To
Jan 4, 2001, 20 :49 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (910 reads) (Other stories by Joe Stump)

"I try and wade through as many postings on PHP General as possible throughout the day. Everything from "What does $$var mean?" to "How to I redirect someone to another page?" pop up. Two common problems pop up on the list frequently, one is "How do I build complex queries on the fly?", and the other is the problem of how to fully utilize all those cool features in your DB."

"So here is what I plan to tackle in this article:
1.) Creating complex, powerful, queries to take advantage of your table schemas
2.) Building those queries on the fly according to user input"

Complete Story

Related Stories:
Connecting to MySQL with PHP(Dec 02, 2000)
PHPBuilder: Open Source Databases: As The Tables Turn(Nov 23, 2000)
Why and How I Installed PHP4, MySQL, and Apache on Windows 98(Sep 27, 2000)
PHPBuilder: Database Normalization And Design Techniques(Aug 07, 2000)
dotcomma: Efficient SQL in PHP(Jun 11, 2000)
DevShed: The Soothingly Seamless Setup of Apache, SSL, MySQL, and PHP(Jun 09, 2000)
PHP 4.0 -- Dynamic Content for the World Wide Web Warrior(May 25, 2000)

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