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Red Hat Bug Fix Advisory: Updated web server module packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 7
Nov 22, 2000, 16 :12 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (424 reads)

Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 16:34 -0500
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [RHBA-2000:112-03] Updated web server module packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 7.

                   Red Hat, Inc. Bug Fix Advisory

Synopsis:          Updated web server module packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 7.
Advisory ID:       RHBA-2000:112-03
Issue date:        2000-11-20
Updated on:        2000-11-21
Product:           Red Hat Linux
Keywords:          web server modules mod_perl mod_proxy mod_dav auth_ldap
Cross references:  N/A

1. Topic:

Updated web server module packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 7.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Linux 7.0 - i386
Red Hat Linux 7.0J - i386

3. Problem description:

Apache 1.3.12 and 1.3.14 are not binary compatible if both have been modified to support mod_ssl. These modules have been rebuilt using updated development packages.

4. Solution:

For each RPM for your particular architecture, run:

rpm -Fvh [filename]

where filename is the name of the RPM.

5. Bug IDs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla for more info):

19972 - mod_dav-1.0.1-2 with apache-1.3.14-3 breaks
20800 - Bug with mod_proxy in new apache rpm

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Linux 7.0:



7. Verification:

MD5 sum                           Package Name

aa642b5a68fb1e632e4a57732e843685 7.0/SRPMS/auth_ldap-1.4.5-1.src.rpm
6095e211f058a1c7856055f4a0bac2ae 7.0/SRPMS/mod_dav-1.0.2-2.src.rpm
0c3031b65ef319db978ad517734f894e 7.0/SRPMS/mod_perl-1.24-6.src.rpm
cc6eb644da22f560851b6ac2cea5bf5b 7.0/i386/auth_ldap-1.4.5-1.i386.rpm
515421545524c346393085e686dc69ad 7.0/i386/mod_dav-1.0.2-2.i386.rpm
40417d1d6dba24ebec678f47adca83d1 7.0/i386/mod_perl-1.24-6.i386.rpm
These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat, Inc. for security. Our key is available at:

You can verify each package with the following command:
rpm --checksig

If you only wish to verify that each package has not been corrupted or tampered with, examine only the md5sum with the following command:
rpm --checksig --nogpg

8. References:


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