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September 2000 Security Space Survey Results
Oct 4, 2000, 18 :52 UTC (2 Talkback[s]) (1074 reads)

The Security Space Web Server Survey is a survey of Web Server software usage on the Internet broken down by 86 domains. Security Space estimates that even though there are almost 20 million Web sites, nearly 90 percent are "orphans" to which no other sites link. Security Space's Web server survey includes only those servers referenced on other sites.

Nearly 2.3 million Web sites repsonded to the September 2000 survey.

All Domains (2,285,342)
server order is based on global market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 1,322,329 57.86% 1,235,539 57.18% +0.68%
Microsoft 643,065 28.14% 608,077 28.14% 0.00%
Netscape 94,700 4.14% 93,234 4.31% -0.17%
WebSite 24,151 1.06% 23,794 1.10% -0.04%
WebSTAR 22,749 1.00% 21,531 1.00% 0.00%
Zeus 22,309 0.98% 20,462 0.95% +0.03%
Other 156,039 6.83% 158,265 7.32% -0.49%

Domain Summary
Domain Description Web Servers Percentage
com Commercial  1,020,450 44.65%
de Germany  201,962 8.84%
org Nonprofit Orgs  127,733 5.59%
uk United Kingdom  127,107 5.56%
net Network  111,073 4.86%
edu Educational  48,364 2.12%
gov US Government  6,868 .30%

Server Breakdown Across All Domains
of Servers With More Than 1% Market Share
Server order is based on global market share
Server Name Number Found Percentage
Microsoft-IIS/4.0 534,762 23.40%
Apache/1.3.9 297,407 13.01%
Apache/1.3.12 292,497 12.80%
Apache/1.3.6 186,771 8.17%
Apache/1.3.3 120,724 5.28%
Apache/1.3.4 77,546 3.39%
Apache/1.2.6 73,037 3.20%
Apache/1.3.11 71,078 3.11%
Microsoft-IIS/5.0 64,989 2.84%
Rapidsite/Apa-1.3.4 43,617 1.91%
Netscape-Enterprise/3.6 41,090 1.80%
Microsoft-IIS/3.0 39,848 1.74%
thttpd/1.00.disbu 33,356 1.46%
Apache/1.2.4 29,828 1.31%
Apache/1.2.5 28,046 1.23%
The Security Space Web Server Survey is a survey of Web Server software usage on the Internet broken down by 86 domains. Below are statistiscal breakouts for some of the more popular domains. Summary data is also available.

.com (Commercial) Domains
  1,020,450 servers
server order is based on global market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 603,097 59.10% 573,274 59.14% -0.04%
Microsoft 297,496 29.15% 279,632 28.85% +0.30%
Netscape 38,394 3.76% 37,981 3.92% -0.16%
WebSite 13,225 1.30% 13,033 1.34% -0.04%
WebSTAR 9,388 0.92% 8,881 0.92% 0.00%
Zeus 11,212 1.10% 10,174 1.05% +0.05%
Other 47,638 4.67% 46,367 4.78% -0.11%

.de (Germany) Domains
  201,962 servers
server order is based on global market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 146,010 72.30% 120,455 68.42% +3.88%
Microsoft 39,274 19.45%2 38,944 22.12% -2.67%
Netscape 5,701 2.82% 5,747 3.26% -0.44%
WebSite 1,060 0.52% 1,064 0.60% -0.08%
WebSTAR 1,278 0.63% 1,163 0.66% -0.03%
Zeus 13 0.01% 14 0.01% 0.00%
Other 8,626 4.27% 8,661 4.92% -0.65%

.uk (United Kingdom) Domains
  127,107 servers
server order is based on global market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 56,031 44.08% 52,962 42.10% +1.98%
Microsoft 23,743 18.68% 21,848 17.37% +1.31%
Netscape 4,470 3.52% 4,302 3.42% +0.10%
WebSite 826 0.65% 822 0.65% 0.00%
WebSTAR 650 0.51% 584 0.46% +0.05%
Zeus 6,797 5.35% 6,304 5.01% +0.34%
Other 34590 27.21% 38,988 30.99% -3.78%

.org (Nonprofit Organizations) Domains
  127,733 servers
server order is based on global market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 74,575 58.38% 70,250 58.42% -0.04%
Microsoft 36,717 28.75% 34,156 28.40% +0.35%
Netscape 4,899 3.84% 4,870 4.05% -0.21%
WebSite 1,947 1.52% 1,923 1.60% -0.08%
WebSTAR 1,624 1.27% 1,529 1.27% 0.00%
Zeus 1,077 0.84% 958 0.80% +0.04%
Other 6,894 5.40% 6,565 5.46% -0.06%

.net (Network) Domains
  111,073 servers
server order is based on global market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 75,806 68.25% 71,727 68.12% +0.13%
Microsoft 23,221 20.91% 22,100 20.99% -0.08%
Netscape 3,208 2.89% 3,130 2.97% -0.08%
WebSite 1,195 1.08% 1,176 1.12% -0.04%
WebSTAR 847 0.76% 824 0.78% -0.02%
Zeus 999 0.90% 886 0.84% +0.06%
Other 5,797 5.22% 5,456 5.18% +0.04%

.edu (Educational) Domains
  48,364 servers
server order is based on glabal market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 21,081 43.59% 19,885 43.27% +0.32%
Microsoft 13,376 27.66% 12,537 27.28% +0.38%
Netscape 4,718 9.76% 4,668 10.16% -0.40%
WebSite 665 1.37% 616 1.34% +0.03%
WebSTAR 2,367 4.89% 2,248 4.89% 0.00%
Zeus 28 0.06% 26 0.06% 0.00%
Other 6129 12.67% 5,980 13.01% -0.34%

.gov (US Governement) Domains
  6,868 servers
server order is based on global market share
Server September
September % August
August % Change
Apache 2,558 37.25% 2,492 37.42% -0.17%
Microsoft 2,013 29.31% 1,933 29.02% +0.29%
Netscape 1,262 18.38% 1,204 18.08% +0.30%
WebSite 98 1.43% 97 1.46% -0.03%
WebSTAR 161 2.34% 162 2.43% -0.09%
Zeus 1 0.01% 1 0.02% -0.01%
Other 775 11.28% 771 11.58% -0.30%

  Current Newswire:
Apache Module Registration: mod_xmlrpc

ApacheCon 2001 Europe cancelled

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Apache Week issue 253 is out

ServerWatch: June 2001 Security Space Survey Results

zez.org: Security flaws in PHP

SECURITY: Bugtraq: Java servlet cross-site scripting vulnerability

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 Talkback(s) Name  Date
It seems that MS is a cultural failing, like Macdonalds. Note that the UK and Ge ...   Macdonalds and Microsoft   
  Oct 4, 2000, 23:08:46
It's more likely that there are a lot of ISPs in the UK using Apache with a ...   Re: Macdonalds and Microsoft   
  Oct 5, 2000, 10:03:27
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