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BW: Red Hat to Acquire C2Net
Aug 14, 2000, 15 :21 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (326 reads)

"Red Hat announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to purchase privately held C2Net Software, Inc. C2Net Software is the developer of the Apache-based Stronghold secure web server. C2Net customers include, Ameritrade, IBM and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Online."

"Red Hat continues to broaden its product offerings to deliver a complete spectrum of Internet infrastructure solutions--which include powerful and secure Web servers, post-PC devices connected to each other through those servers, and the complete chain of development tools and services needed to rapidly create, deploy and manage Internet infrastructure. Red Hat's solutions leverage open source software to deliver all the necessary tools and services to deploy, manage and scale the Internet with a single open source platform."

"Under the terms of the agreement, Red Hat will issue 1,992,883 shares of Red Hat common stock in exchange for all of the outstanding securities of Oakland, California-based C2Net. The transaction will be valued based on an average closing price of Red Hat's common shares for the seven-day period ended August 16,2000. The acquisition will be accounted for as a purchase and is expected to be completed by August 31, 2000, subject to customary closing conditions."

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