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PRN: Chilliware Unveils Mohawk Configurator for Linux Apache Web Servers
Aug 10, 2000, 17 :16 UTC (2 Talkback[s]) (572 reads)

"Chilliware, an emerging developer of Linux-based applications for businesses and consumers introduced Mohawk Server Configurator today. Mohawk, a wizard enabled application, cuts the system administration time to configure and maintain Apache web servers by more than 50 percent."

"Mohawk also offers the following features: Decreased Apache Install and Configuration time by 50 percent; reduced maintenance time with monitored upgrades and modifications automated administrative tasks through wizard-enabled interface."

Complete Story

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 Talkback(s) Name  Date
  I wish
I wish I could see some screen shots of their software. All I see is press releases all the time. Why even have it at Apache today? The story is :

There is this software that is going to make installing Apache easier.

We don't know what programming language it is in.
We don't know what it looks like.
We don't have an exact date.

That is all!
Thank you for reading our article on a software product we have not seen.

How can this be news when you don't even have an idea of what it looks like or does.

Maybe this is a press release and I thought this was news about a new Apache product.   
  Aug 10, 2000, 20:59:27
   Re: I wish
Did you actually click through to the press release? It did answer some of these questions.

If we didn't clearly label this as a press release, let me know. PRN is short for PR Newswire.

Unreleased software is always part of the computing world. And the Apache world.


> I wish I could see some screen shots of their software. All I see is press releases all the time. Why even have it at Apache today? The story is :
There is this software that is going to make installing Apache easier.
We don't know what programming language it is in.
We don't know what it looks like.
We don't have an exact date.
That is all!
Thank you for reading our article on a software product we have not seen.
How can this be news when you don't even have an idea of what it looks like or does.
Maybe this is a press release and I thought this was news about a new Apache product.   
  Aug 11, 2000, 13:39:01
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