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LinuxPR: Now Available: Lutris Enhydra Professional 3.0 Java/XML Open Source App
Jun 27, 2000, 20 :36 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (385 reads)

"Lutris Technologies Inc. today announced the immediate availability of Lutris Enhydra Professional 3.0, the latest certified and supported version of the Open Source Enhydra JavaTM/XML application server. Lutris Enhydra Professional 3.0 includes an integrated suite of development and deployment tools for consultants, systems integrators, and corporate IT departments building Internet and wireless applications for distribution to any device, anywhere."

"With Lutris Enhydra Professional 3.0, developers can take advantage of newly bundled and integrated databases, enhanced Java IDEs, and a wireless development kit that includes a new Developer Guide. The Developer Guide was designed to shorten the learning curve with tutorials on installation, tuning, database management, IDE and Enhydra XMLC. This new documentation helps both Web and Java developers use Lutris Enhydra Professional immediately to create and deploy Internet applications. Lutris Enhydra Professional 3.0 also includes Lutris' comprehensive training programs, technical support, and services."

"Internet applications that deliver the Web to multiple devices are a competitive necessity for businesses looking to differentiate themselves," said Yancy Lind, president and CEO of Lutris. "The inevitable arrival of mobile commerce, coupled with the availability of new platforms that receive Web content, make device- and language-independent application development a priority for everyone doing business with the Web. Lutris is leading the way for developers to bring a new dimension of Web availability to an increasingly mobile user base."

Press Release.

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