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IBM developerWorks: PHP, Perl, Java servlets -- Which one's right for you?
(Apr 29th, 21:23:13 )

"Still can't decide whether to use PHP scripts, Perl CGIs, or Java servlets for your next Web development project? This article will help you decide by providing a side-by-side comparison of the functioning source code of all three languages. The three simple example programs provided take you from the most basic server-side scripts through object orientation to a simple Web storefront presenting product information to a user. Reading this article will give you a good idea of the difference between these three languages, and a better idea of which one is right for you."

"This article explains how PHP scripts, Perl CGIs, and Java servlets work; it also covers the issues that separate the three languages. You don't need to know the languages in order to comprehend this piece, but you do need to have a passing familiarity with HTML to make reading it worth your while."

"If you have a great deal of experience in any of these languages, you'll notice that this article neither discusses the in-depth details and advanced alternatives that an expert might choose, nor does it introduce many of the technical terms and underlying language features that appear confusing when you are familiarizing yourself with a programming language (of course, this is what makes the language interesting after years of programming with it). This is intentional."

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O'Reilly: An Introduction to PHP(Feb 27, 2001)
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Why and How I Installed PHP4, MySQL, and Apache on Windows 98(Sep 27, 2000)
PHP on Apache: The Definitive Installation Guide(Aug 09, 2000)
Web Automation: PHP vs. Perl vs. PHP(Jul 07, 2000)
IDM: PHP From an IT Manager's Perspective(May 31, 2000)
PHP 4.0 -- Dynamic Content for the World Wide Web Warrior(May 25, 2000)

Printed from Apache Today (https://apachetoday.com).

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