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Python DevCenter: Python Web Application Tools
(Mar 22nd, 05:11:59 )

"Those familiar with Java Servlets or Apple's WebObjects will feel right at home with Webware. The program is very lightweight and easy to get up and running if you are using the included threaded server. ..."

"The MEMS Exchange's CGI-based Quixote 0.20 offers another web application development alternative. Quixote packages code and HTML together using Python Template Language (PTL). Simple in its conception and simple in its execution, Quixote is a good example of how Python can be used to rapidly develop and test an idea. ..."

"Some Zope competitors aren't Python application servers at all. One powerful application server solution is to combine Jython, a 100% Java implementation of the Python language, with a Java web application server. Using Jython you can compile your Python programs to Java bytecode. ..."

Complete Story

Related Stories:
oss4lib: An Interview with Paul Everitt and Ken Manheimer of Digital Creations, publishers of Zope(Mar 16, 2001)
PR: Python Software Foundation Launched(Mar 06, 2001)
PHPeverywhere: Tuning Apache and PHP for Speed on Unix(Feb 26, 2001)
O'Reilly: Zope's New Roadmap(Feb 23, 2001)
SysAdmin: Safer CGI Scripting(Feb 09, 2001)
SD Times: And Then Came Zope(Feb 09, 2001)
Linux.com: PHP Questions(Aug 28, 2000)
O'Reilly Network: Python as a First Language(Jun 04, 2000)
Linux Journal: Software Licenses (Jun 03, 2000)
Apache Module Registration: mod_python(May 30, 2000)

Printed from Apache Today (https://apachetoday.com).

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