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Network World: From home pages to popularity
(Jan 31st, 14:16:51 )

"This week we take a break from TCP/IP ports and sashay back into the realm of languages. Our target is PHP, a language that has come a long way from its humble roots as a set of macros for building personal home pages on Web servers. Today, PHP is a server-side scripting language that is officially called PHP: HyperText Preprocessor."

"PHP is an amalgam of several languages - much of its syntax is borrowed from C, C++, Java and Perl. What's so great about PHP? Well, the fact that it's free helps (www.php.net), but there's more: PHP is open source; runs under Win32, Macintosh, Unix and Linux with all leading Web servers; it's easy to learn and use; and the latest version, PHP4, runs as fast as Microsoft's Active Server Pages technology."

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Related Stories:
DevShed: Getting More Out Of Apache (Part 2)(Jan 26, 2001)
PHPBuilder: Controlling PHP Output: Caching and compressing dynamic pages(Jan 25, 2001)
WebTechniques: A Database-Independent API for PHP(Jan 23, 2001)
PR: Zend Technologies Introduces Value-Added Product Line to Address Enterprise PHP Users(Jan 23, 2001)
Zend: Top 21 PHP Programming Mistakes - Part 3: Seven Deadly Mistakes(Jan 20, 2001)
Zend works with Intel to provide PHP scripting language for Intel Itanium.(Jan 17, 2001)
LinuxJournal: Installing and Configuring Apache, PHP and MySQL(Jan 16, 2001)

Printed from Apache Today (https://apachetoday.com).

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