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Apache Week issue 242 (13th April 2001)
Apr 13, 2001, 17 :14 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (818 reads) (Other stories by Mark Cox)

The latest Apache Week has a review about three days at ApacheCon 2001. It has information about the morning talks, keynotes, exhibition, several classes and more

"ApacheCon 2001 was held in Santa Clara, California from April 4th to April 6th. As promised, Apache Week was there to cover the conference."

"... ApacheCon has a variety of talks aimed at all technical levels, so you should definitely consider attending if you've not been to one before. With that, I end my report and hope to see you all at the next ApacheCon later this year!"

Complete Story

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Apache Week issue 241 (6th April 2001)(Apr 06, 2001)
Apache Week issue 239 (23rd March 2001)(Mar 24, 2001)
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