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Announce: Melati 0.53
Feb 14, 2001, 17 :04 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (788 reads) |
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 08:28:42 -0000
From: Tim Joyce
To: PostgreSQL-announce
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Annouce: Melati 0.53
Melati 0.53 is now available for download from http://melati.org.
Version 0.53 introduces the following enhancements over releases previously announce here (check the release notes for full details):
- support for Webmacro 0.94.
- file upload
- cleaner Servlet API
- test suite
- cascading deletion in POEM
- support for BINARY types in POEM
What is Melati? (quick read)Melati allows you to define the fields and records for you application in one place. These are then immediately available to all parts of your application:
- your template engine
- your business objects
- your database
This considerably simplifies (and speeds up) web application development. Try it :)
What is Melati (more detail):Melati is a tool for building Java-programmed websites backed by a database. It provides the following features:
- a generic database administration system, allowing the site manager to edit both the contents and the structure of the database through a simple web based interface.
- rapid templating mechanism, using "templets" (sub-templates) for rendering interface elements (eg HTML input boxes, dropdowns), and providing an easy interface with persistent objects.
- close integration with the Webmacro templating engine.
- cookie-based or HTTP-based login provoked automatically by access control failure.
- full integration with POEM (Persistent Object Engine for Melati). POEM provides
- industrial-strength open source object database technology, delivering ODMG 3.0 compliant Java support.
- an API where the database to be seen as a collection of Java objects, via a (genuinely!) easy-to-use transparent persistence layer on top of JDBC.
- a low level security model allowing restrictions to be placed on tables, rows and fields.
Melati's design builds on our experience with previous systems we have deployed successfully on a number of commercial sites: we feel that it enables a particularly elegant and productive way of working.
Melati is released under a dual ASF Style / GPL license (the same approach as WebMacro), and is currently being used on several commercial projects. Please join the mailing lists if you are interested.
Tim Joyce
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