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DevShed: The JSP Files (part 1): Purple Pigs In A Fruitbasket
Feb 11, 2001, 16 :40 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (654 reads) (Other stories by Vikram Vaswani, Harish Kamath and Melonfire)

"However, servlets have a problem of their own - a simple interface or logic modification could often result in far-reaching changes to the servlet. And so, JSP was developed to separate application logic from the interface, so that changes to one would not affect the other. Working closely with developers like The Apache Group, JSP uses a tag-based approach (similar to PHP and ASP) which allows designers to make changes to the user interface without affecting application logic."

"... If you've used C before, you're probably already familiar with the "include" directive that appears near the beginning of every C program. JSP supports an equivalent include() function, which does much the same thing. ..."

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