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Take23: Enhancing your web pages with HTML::Embperl
Jan 10, 2001, 05 :49 UTC (0 Talkback[s]) (656 reads) (Other stories by Michael Stevens)
"HTML::Embperl is a flexible Perl module which gives you the ability to embed perl code in your HTML pages. It allows quick and powerful scripting of HTML, allowing you to easily link perl code and the web. It takes advantage of mod_perl to be a fast efficent solution which requires no special configuration to make a given page dynamic, but does not require mod_perl - in fact, you can use it without a web server at all, to generate HTML content for use in email, or to automatically build static web pages to be served later."
"This document describes how to install embperl, and should teach you the first steps towards making your web pages dynamic with empberl. It draws heavily on the fine documentation included with the Embperl package, and on the web site at http://perl.apache.org/embperl/."
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Current Newswire:
Fatal error: Failed opening required '/www/apachetdy/www/2002/02/01/index_vars.inc' (include_path='.:/opt/php4/lib/php') in /www1/apachetdy/www/news_story.php3 on line 206