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DevShed: The Soothingly Seamless Setup of Apache, SSL, MySQL, and PHP
Jun 9, 2000, 22 :46 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (1981 reads) (Other stories by Israel Denis Jr)

[ Thanks to for this link. ]

"Our objective is to install a web server that will allow us to host sites, that would be secure for e-commerce solutions, and that could be driven via scripts to connect to a database server and extract its data."

"The tools for the JOB are:

  • Apache -- A Web Server
  • Mod_SSL -- A module for Secure Sockets Layer
  • OpenSSL -- Open Source Toolkit (required for mod_ssl)
  • RSARef -- Only for those in the US
  • MySQL -- A Database Server
  • PHP -- A Scripting Language"

"We are using just one of the many configurations that will fill our objective. We choose it because it is one of the simplest and fastest. We chose Apache because it is probably the most versatile web server ever to exist. Apache has the largest server market share partly because it is free, but mostly because it is the best. Mod_SSL and OpenSSL are added for the ability to conduct secure connections and because they are among the fastest and easiest to configure and setup. PHP is a simple, yet powerful scripting language which integrates easily with MySQL a powerful relational database server."

Complete Story

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 Talkback(s) Name  Date
 Hi !I am currently in the process of configuring SSL on Apache Web Server v. 1. ...   Configuration of SSL on Apache 1.3.19 Web Server on Windows 2000   
  Apr 16, 2001, 18:10:08
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