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Breaking News Preferences Contribute Triggers Link Us Search About On the Security of PHP, Part 1
(Nov 7th, 13:56:31 )

"In the following sections, we will identify a number of causes that commonly lead to violations of the security of PHP scripts and ultimately the systems on which these scripts are executing. We will then develop some guidelines for strengthening the security of PHP and for writing secure code. ..."

"From a security perspective, environment variables and user input data really aren't very different. They all represent data of unknown origin that may be hostile. Therefore, their use should be minimized whenever possible and their content examined and filtered the rest of the time. ..."

Related Stories:
Earthweb: Learning PHP: The What's and the Why's(Oct 11, 2001)
Linux Magazine: Scripting the Web with PHP(Sep 21, 2001)
PHP DevCenter: Common PHP Installation Problems(May 09, 2001)
Introduction to PHP (ApacheCon)(May 03, 2001)

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