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Linux Journal: Open-Source Web Servers: Performance on a Carrier-Class Linux Platform
(Oct 19th, 20:08:02 )

"One of our goals in ARIES is to be able to build an internet server capable of scaling to thousands of concurrent users without download speeds noticeably slowing. This type of scalability is best accomplished when application servers are hosted on a group or cluster of servers. ... We decided to experiment with three web servers: Apache, Jigsaw and Tomcat."

"... When we scale the test over eight CPUs, Apache 2.08a was more consistent in its performance, servicing more requests per second as we increased the number of concurrent clients without any fluctuations in the number of serviced requests (see Figure 10)."

"... Based on our tests, we believe that Apache has shown to be considerably faster and more stable than other web servers. We are looking forward to testing and experimenting with the 2.0 release version, which promises a clean code, a well-structured I/O layering and a much-enhanced scalability."

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