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Linux Journal: Product Review: NuSphere MySQL
(Sep 21st, 19:34:48 )

"I was kind of surprised when I first saw companies bundling up small subsets of open-source software to sell in retail packs, but I'm beginning to see where such bundles may have their place. NuSphere has bundled together the most common components needed to set up dynamic web content in one easy, plug-n-play package."

"... I would like to see one addition for the absolute beginner: some tutorial information. It's wonderful to have Perl/PHP/MySQL all ready to go, but where do you start? If you're new to web programming, some step-by-step guides through a few small projects would be helpful, rather than just diving into the sample application source code. I'd also like to see the Solaris option expanded to include 2.7 and 2.8."

Complete Story

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ComputerWorld: Open source databases bloom(Sep 13, 2001)
NuSphere adds Access Manager for Apache to Nusphere MySQL Advantage 2.1 Web Development Package(May 21, 2001)
Linux Magazine: Hey! Leggo My SQL -- Installing, Configuring, and Using MySQL(May 18, 2001)
NuSphere introduces NuSphere MySQL Advantage 2.0 web development package(Apr 30, 2001)
LinuxPlanet: NuSphere MySQL: Free Beer in a Tall Glass(Apr 16, 2001)

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