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Apache 2.0 released as beta
(Apr 5th, 13:51:55 )

From the Apache Software Foundation: The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) today proudly announced the first public beta of the Apache Web Server at ApacheCon 2001, held at the Santa Clara Convention Centre.

Apache 2.0 offers numerous enhancements, improvements and performance boosts over the 1.3 codebase. The most visible and noteworthy addition is the support for the lightweight process model known as threads. This means the beta works well on Windows and improves the scalability of the Apache HTTPD server significantly.

"We've taken the Web Server and added some critical elements that will help it grow in the years to come. For instance, Apache 2.0 allows system administrators to tailor their Web server specifically for their site and machines, using the multi-processing module support and the filtered input/output," said Ryan Bloom, Vice President Apache Portable Run-Time Project.

"This release also features the Apache Portable Run-time, allowing the Apache Web Server to be ported to more platforms, and still be easily maintained. Download it and give it whirl."

Apache 2.0 support for filtered I/O allows modules to modify the output of other modules before it is sent to the client. For example, a server side include (SSI) can modify the results of a CGI script. Taking a step toward the future, the release also includes support for IPv6, the next version of the Internet protocol already being tested on Internet 2.

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Printed from Apache Today (https://apachetoday.com).

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