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PR: European XML DevCon 2001 featured enterprise XML education
(Feb 28th, 22:05:55 )

Camelot Communications, producers of IT conferences focusing on emerging technologies including open source software, XML, Java, and Wireless, received critical acclaim for the XML DevCon Europe Spring 2001 conference program. The conference, which ran 21 - 23 February in London, featured a program of enterprise XML education and instruction about emerging global e-business standards.

The London event featured a distinguished faculty that included Dr. Henry Thompson and Dr. Peter Chen. In a keynote presentation, Henry Thompson discussed the XML Meta-Architecture (http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/XML_MetaArchitecture.html). Dr. Chen presented "XLink and Conceptual Modeling", Richard Tobin presented "XML Infoset and Schemas", David Orchard presented "Web Services, UDDI, and XML Protocol", and Martin Bryan presented "The Role of Process-Controlled Components in ebXML Messages."

The program also included a Schema workshop by Henry Thompson, Michael Rys, and JP Morgenthal, and a Stylesheets and Transformations workshop by Ken Holman, Bob DuCharme, Benoit Marchal, and Sebastian Rahtz. One of the key e-business sessions was a panel discussion with Mark Colan (IBM), David Turner (Microsoft), Stefano Pogliani (Sun), and James Tauber (Bowstreet) about "Web Services, ebXML, UDDI, and Trading Partner Agreements."

"The challenge of staying current about today's software technologies is formidable so professional education is important. Our speakers have been the key to our success in putting together superior technical programs for conferences in the US and Europe. Feedback from our speakers indicates they feel our XML conference series offers superior content. When plaudits come from industry icons, we know we're doing something right" said Conference Chair Ken North.

"Camelot Communications strives to present the most relevant and technically-grounded shows, bar none. The positive feedback we're receiving from speakers motivates us to continuously improve our conferences," said Terry DeGiuli, President of Camelot Communications. "It is an honor to have premier speakers and industry-shaking news -- like that of SOAP, UDDI and ebXML -- come together under the XML DevCon banner. We look forward to continuing these market-shifting discussions at XML DevCon Spring 2001 in New York."

The XML DevCon series continues in New York City, 8 - 11 April. Featuring ebXML Day, 9 April, and UDDI Day, 10 April.

Related Stories:
CNET: Aid From APR(Feb 26, 2001)
PR: U.S. XML conference leader to showcase global e-business standards ebXML, UDDI, and Web Services(Feb 02, 2001)
PR: Bear River releases open source Java/XML web application framework(Jan 24, 2001)
PR: Distinguished Faculty at XML DevCon Spring 2001 to Present Technical Program About ebXML, UDDI, WebServices, and Enterprise XML(Jan 09, 2001)

Printed from Apache Today (https://apachetoday.com).

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