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Linux Magazine: Working Wonders on the Web; Building a Dynamic Website Using Apache, MySQL, and PHP
(Nov 11th, 22:29:17 )

"Day in and day out you've been working like a fiend, constantly updating your Web site and trying to keep it fresh and interesting. But no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to keep up with the explosive growth of the World Wide Web. "Hundreds of new Web sites get created every day," you think to yourself. "And all my favorite Web sites are continuously adding fresh, new content." How can you keep up with the competition? How do all these new pages get created? How do they get updated so fast? It isn't as hard as you think. It just takes a basic understanding of a powerful concept -- dynamic Web pages."

"To illustrate the fact that dynamic Web pages are not that hard to create, this article is going to walk through the creation of a Web-based press release engine. Our Web site will merge press releases stored in a database with a templated Web page on the fly. If you have an understanding of HTML, you should be able to easily follow along with our example and create your own dynamic Web pages. To create this site, we will be using three powerful open source technologies: Apache, MySQL, and PHP. (See the sidebars about each of these technologies to learn more about them.)"

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Printed from Apache Today (https://apachetoday.com).

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