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PR: Introduces Calendaring and Linux Support to its BuzzPower e-Community and Collaboration Platform
(Oct 24th, 15:52:49 )

PRESS RELEASE: today unveiled calendaring, Linux support, enhanced chat and e-mail digests to its leading BuzzPower e-community and collaboration platform. The new and enhanced functionality, available on the next-generation BuzzPower 4.2 in December 2000, will allow portals and destination sites to expand the menu of value-added services offered to community members.

The new calendaring function will enable the creation of public and personal calendars for managing and sharing events among community members. Fully integrated with the BuzzPower access control engine, the calendar tool allows individuals to send e-mail invitations to an event, view scheduled events in a web-based graphical user interface and receive e-mail or private message reminders for events. Comprehensive web-based administration allows Web site managers to easily control and manage the community calendars.

New features on BuzzPower 4.2 include:

BuzzPower 4.2 also offers a highly scalable e-community, targeted advertising to community members, member ratings, permission or "opt-in" marketing, member incentives or "loyalty points" programs, and the ability to integrate e-commerce catalogs, auctions and exchange software packages. BuzzPower is the leading eCommunity software built on a pure Java platform. It provides Oracle and LDAP support, survey and polling capabilities, product reviews and XML-based Buzzlets for rapid e-community publishing. It can be deployed as a standalone offering on multiple operating systems including Linux, Solaris, and Windows or as a hosted offering through Multex's Application Service Provider business. The BuzzPower 4.2 Portal Edition is completely brandable, customizable, and offers a high level of security.

Press Release

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