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Covalent Technologies Introduces Extensive Suite of Products to Serve the Apache Web Server Community
(Oct 24th, 13:54:31 )

PRESS RELEASE: Covalent Technologies, the leader in products and services for the open-source Apache Web server platform, today introduced an extensive suite of products to serve the Apache Web server community, including new Web server management tools and an expansion of security and e-commerce products.

In addition to this new suite, the company also introduced professional services and training programs and expansions to its executive team (Please see today's release titled "Covalent Technologies Announces Expansion of Executive Team").

Covalent is offering its new Web server management products -- Covalent SNMP Conductor and Covalent Nettruss -- and the suite of security and e-commerce tools -- Raven SSL 1.5, Covalent Antivirus, Covalent Credator and Covalent Intrusion Detector -- through a Reseller Partner Program, as well as availability to the general public through its Web site. Customers are able to download these modular products or purchase a packaged version, which includes a copy of the product on CD, all through Covalent's Web page.

"Customers have always turned to Covalent to secure their servers using our flagship product, Raven SSL," said John M. Jack, Covalent's president and CEO. "This new suite of products will allow those customers to also get Web server management and e-commerce tools all through one vendor. To make it simple for our customers, we've enabled them to download these products through our Web site."

Covalent's new suite consists of the following products:

Press Release

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