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Community: PHP Congress Cologne
(Oct 10th, 15:09:59 )

Reader writes:

"I attended PHP Congress Cologne (05-Oct-2000 to 06-Oct-2000) together with Ulf Wendel and Jan Kneschke. We arrived in Cologne the evening before without incident, hit our hotel sometime in the evening and immediately departed for the #php.de (IrcNet) channel party organized by subj). As usual there was no proper beer to be had in Cologne (the local brew is based on dishwater), but the Apfelpfannkuchen was nice. So were the people, most of which I was able to meet to meet in person for the first time. People, you are as strange in real life as you are on the channel!"

"Next morning found us at the Crowne Plaza hotel, where Björn Schotte and the Globalpark people where still fixing problems with Internet access just before the congress was supposed to start. This should turn out to be a recurring theme during the entire congress, and is definitely a point to improve next time."

"Ulf's lecture was the first one. He presented his documentation generator PHPdoc), which is a large PHP script largely based on concepts borrowed from JavaDoc. phpdoc is able to generate barebones documentation from many PHP scripts without any additional information, and can utilize special comments within the script to generate a full documentation. The output is template driven HTML, with XML being an interim format. This allows for automated post-processing and provides unlimited customization of the documentation."

Complete Story

Related Stories:
ZDNet: Opening a Few Windows with PHP(Sep 18, 2000)
Linux.com: PHP Questions(Aug 28, 2000)
PHPBuilder: How to Document Your PHP Classes(Aug 28, 2000)
IDM: What's New in PHP4?(Aug 23, 2000)
ZDNet: Are You Being Served? An Introduction to PHP(Jun 01, 2000)
PHP 4.0 -- Dynamic Content for the World Wide Web Warrior(May 25, 2000)

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