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"Apache Now Supporting Open-Source WebDAV module and the Writable Web."
" (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) and the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) today introduced an add-on to the Apache HTTP Server that will provide its 9 million users unprecedented control of information on the Web. With the release of the mod_dav module, authored by one of the ASF's volunteer contributors, the world's number one Web server gains new power. mod_dav adds WebDAV capabilities to the Apache HTTP Server, an open-source software product. With this addition, the ASF ensures its users will have the most secure, efficient, and extensible server available."
"The introduction of mod_dav version 1.0 is a significant step toward the WebDAV vision of a collaborative, writable Web. Today, Web browsing is primarily done in a read-only manner. This was not the original conception of the Web in early 1990, which could both read and write in the editor/browser. By providing a full-featured, standards-compliant, open-source implementation of the WebDAV protocol, I am hopeful many more communities will be able to use it and reap the benefits of remote collaboration," said Greg Stein, author of mod_dav version 1.0."
Press Release
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